Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cutie Pie Coin Purse

So when you need two pennies, a dime and a nickel, do you just thrust out a dollar bill because it's way too hard to get the coins out of the change compartment of your wallet?   Oh, I feel ya.

Then you end up with more change in your wallet and the problem keeps on growing.

Enough!  This morning I dug around on the internet instead of my purse for a cute solution.

Here we go!

Cutie Pie Coin Purse

Cost = $zero

I cut out a page of an old fabric sample book; found a used zipper in the deep depths of my zipper box; rescued a vagrant snippet of giant rick rack because I cannot possibly part with a molecule of trim.

Time to completion was five minutes.

I think I will make some more.  Probably lots more.

Here is the link to the website that has a great tutee.

Just in case you do not have a ruler to translate metric into English measure:
I cut my rectangle to about 7" x 8"( radiused the corners for cuteness) and I cut my zipper down to 5".

Difficulty factor on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being really, really hard - I'll give it a " 2"

This is a project that you don't want to over-think.  I didn't use pins, just sewed the zipper in on the fly. Probably not a great project for a beginner because it is a bit tricky to get that zipper to curve around the corner.  Someone with just a bit of experience can knock this gem right out.

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