Friday, May 1, 2015

Lily's Quilt

After two delicious rainy days and one stunning sunny day, I have completed Lily's Quilt.
Lily's Quilt
for Lily Rae Mellett

I made this little cutie for the granddaughter of my childhood friend.  Besides wanting to try out my new half rectangle triangle template, I wanted to send some special love to this new baby.  I knew her great, great grandmother, her great grandmother,  I know her grandmother, her mother and I can't wait to meet her.  That's a pretty impressive run.

The quilt measures 33" x 42 1/2".  The vintage style quilt square in the upper left corner is a Carolina Lily pattern.  Is that too obvious a choice?  The design that runs the rest of the way across the top is just me doodling with quilt stuff.  

Yes, I do know that one rectangle is backwards.  My bad.  I noticed it when I started machine quilting and said, "Oh well,  I guess that is permanent now!"

For machine quoting, I just stitched in the ditch.  Ok now time to plan a new quilt!